DJ Liz's Metro Mix
About DJ Liz & The Metro Mix

Hey guys! I'm DJ Liz and I hope you're listening to my Metro Mix. 

I'm just your average student trying to get through the day- mostly doodling in class- but when I'm done with the school day, I jet outta there, put my headphones on and crank up the beats. 

And BAM! That's how the Metro Mix is born! Whenever I get a chance to listen to my music, I do and with that if I hear a song that sounds good for the next playlist, well hell, it's definitely gonna be in the next show.​​

So what is the Metro Mix?

My Metro Mix is of course, a mix. Hmmm, what kind of mix? A mix of songs from the 80s, 90s, 2K and today. But hey, it's not like all those popular radio stations! My Metro Mix has a variety of genres: rock, pop, punk, alternative, metal, light, R&B, dance and past hits. So you can kinda say it's like your very own "mix-tape."

​When it comes down to it, it's all about the MUSIC.

© DJ Liz's Metro Mix
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