DJ Liz's Metro Mix

© DJ Liz's Metro Mix
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Updates will be on Twitter from now on!
Since I have a free account I can't really write much in this blog thingy so check for updates and request on Twitter at @_DJ_Liz_

Last show!!
So today was the last show for this semester! ahhh! Well, good luck with finals!
-DJ Liz's been awhile the semester comes closer to ending...SHIT piles up. xD But I'm still keeping you entertained with my beats every Wednesday so tune in!!
-DJ Liz

So okay, no school but...
Hope all of you are safe and okay. Sandy really was a bitch.

I know we don't have school and therefore no Metro Mix for this week, but I still made the playlist and I put it up for your listening pleasure! :) 2012 Playlist 6 Halloween Mix/4SWbvV?src=5

-DJ Liz

Halloween Show Maybe?
So this Wednesday is Halloween and I'm psyched to bring you a special Metal/Punk/Rock themed show! I have no idea why I associate Halloween with hardcore music xD but yeah....So tune in for some Sum 41, System of a Down, Mayday Parade, My Chemical Romance, Three Days Grace, Rob Zombie and more!
-DJ Liz

USG Club Fair - success?
What'd you guys think of my show??? I was glad to take your requests for your clubs and I hope you all liked the music! If you guys are interested in finding out what some of the remixes were that I played, email me at
Here's the full mix which wasn't played in its entirety: 2012 Playlist 5 USG Mix/4SmKdj?src=5
-DJ Liz

USG Club Fair!
So next Wednesday I'll be DJ-ing at the USG Club Fest for the first two hours! So stop by, say hi and whatnot. It would be nice to get requests, but I'm pretty sure no one reads this crap. Ha Ha. I'll be playing live from 12 to 1 PM as usual so you can tune in there too!
-DJ Liz

Liked my past show? Maybe...possibly? Anyone go to the Media Brunch and listen to DJ Nikko? His show is the one after mine. Aha!

Next week, I won't have a show since Wednesday will be following a Monday schedule :( pshhh
-DJ Liz

No show this Wed! DJs have the option to come in on Tues and Wed, but since CUNY has off, I'd rather use the day to catch up on schoolwork. Tune in next week!!
-DJ Liz

Two days off! Plenty of time to work on playlists and whatnot. I hope you're all pumped for Wednesday's show...maybe. :P
-DJ Liz

So who liked my past show??
No one would prolly answer but woohoo!! Any requests for the next few shows?
-DJ Liz

Hey Peeps!
You guys excited for the Fall 2012 shows?? Cuz I am! The first show is Wednesday, Sept. 12th from noon to 1. Tune in!
-DJ Liz